By Fire or The Book

Without a goal for its existence and without a practical way to achieve it, the global mass appears to be a “body” without a “head.” At “rest” and reacting only when something “hurts” or “makes him uncomfortable.” Moving by “instinct” an “apex” in the same ways only when a part of the body “burns” or “hurts”, with some parts beginning to feel that what is happening in a “distant” part has to do with themselves- “globalisation” – but without yet knowing how since it does not “hurt” at the same time – only when it interrupted the “comfort” of the majority’s routine did it provoke a “reaction” but not yet a conscious reflection – that would have to come from the “head”. A body that instinctively seeks to distance itself from and exclude what “discomforts” it in order to remain at rest…etc.

At rest…that is, with the same forms of distribution, production, education, exercise of military “power” and “anterooms”…and in general, within, consciously or unconsciously within a pattern of relationships…at rest… that is, “enjoying” the position – even ideological – in which he is and willing to “move” only when it “hurts” – or “embarrasses” -…

…and not before putting up a “fight” to remain in his “place”, in which he is willing to “disappear” the other – or at least his image before others – or ultimately “himself”, just to ” being right” or avoiding a feeling of “defeat” or “inferiority” in front of those who he was convinced that they were “inferior” – one of the main triggers of wars.

But the way we develop seems to assure us that this feeling is inevitable and we will all experience it, both individually and in the form or perception of a “global” body.

The question that “hangs” over this state toward which “no one” wants to “move” is: Where or what will force us to move toward?

And where is the global “head” that can make an “advance” calculation to avoid the “fire” – literally, as we have already experienced?

All of these questions have a key concept at the centre: education-training, example, influence…etc.

After all, our forms of global association are determined by the education or training that we receive en masse – an “authority” approving or disapproving and days of certain hours in the same place doing something repetitive that prepares you to insert yourself into a production line or a ramification of this – almost all the activities we carry out. The exception would be “royalty” – who until recently were not educated in the same place as the majority, today even that has changed and obviously it has consequences.

Nor does it make sense to try to “change” and “revolutionise” these forms “by force”… as long as we the masses find a way to “enjoy” them, that is, to be at “rest” with respect to it, they will defend them – they will refuse to “move” – and what happened in the Soviet countries will happen.

However, in any case we need – and a lot – to think about the following “movement”:

If what “leads the way” for the masses is an education or training in which mass production and the status of consumer and “serial producer” and accumulation and control for “oneself” are the “goal” ” and “authority” – or that to which we direct what we “want” in the form of “approval” and to bring “contentment” – then what we will obtain will be what we have already obtained in the societies that have developed the most to reach to a “limit”: the “industrialisation” of exploitation and death-extreme and murderous slavery, as in concentration camps.

Or it can be seen another way: the “body” will require a certain group of people, or a certain identity or “heritage” – or any concept derived from the root of all association: mutual guarantee – to generate everything I want from the “air”, without conditions, and gave it to me without restrictions and even without any “merit” – without it even passing “through his own hands.” This attitude is the root of all exploitation and all “exclusion”.

It is nothing new, when we review the history of all forms of production, we will find at its root this attitude present in all people, finding various ways to “disguise themselves.” In the same way, in all societies we will find a development of a certain “mutual guarantee” – but not practiced consciously and for the sake of the “guarantee itself”, but with each person finding ways to “use it” to please themselves.

Ultimately, the solution to something unsolvable is demanded from us and will be demanded in an increasingly “intense” way: the “bottomless pit” of human desire and its “infinitely exclusive” way of trying to satisfy it.

That is why to the inventors of civilisation and the “Book”, the “body” of the global population not only denies that ancestral merit but also their very “existence” – in the past, in the present and above all… in the future.

Ordinarily, the mass follows the one who represents her main impulses – to the figures she is accustomed to, don’t spare the ones whom forms they don’t know – who “instinctively” feel enthusiasm for being “in front”… but from the results, we all know that one of the characteristics of someone who is not prepared to “point the way” is that he feels enthusiasm in doing it for “himself” and therefore does not know what it is about – he has not been trained or educated for the next step, and when the body “hurts”, he follows whoever represents that “pain”.

And he is directed “against” those who can plan the future. One might think that it is “unfair” that “hate” is directed towards parts of the population who are not “aware” of their role themselves, but at the same time, what kind of “head” waits for the body to “hurt” to remove – once again – the hand from the fire? – that is not a characteristic of the mechanism that is supposed to “guide” the body.

And obviously, this type of guidance has nothing to do with the pursuits of power and honour and “exclusivity” and “self-elation” that “moves” – or leaves in the same place – our history, but with practical example and influence of mutual guarantee and perfect association, directed towards a satisfactory and complete objective for the entire “global organism”.

Whether indirectly through “fire,” or directly through “The Book,” is where we are headed to.

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