The “Dark” Knight

Where does what we call “injustices” come from? And who can really “judge” them? – what for one person is justice is a crime for others, depending on whether it benefits them or not. It is one of those basic – key – concepts that do not have a definitive definition, whose consensus changes over… Read More  The “Dark” Knight


People are not treated – neither by circumstances nor by other people – as “equal” practically anyway: we are born in different circumstances and with different traits. And those traits and characteristics are shaped or modified through a certain interaction with what surrounds us – which by definition, is different for everyone. Furthermore, these interactions… Read More Empiricism


What is listening? And how do we know what we are hearing? Even physically our ear “listens” in a certain “minimum” range compared to other animals. Let’s not talk about the interpretations we give to what others “say” – our range to “listen” is limited to the reduced frequency that we call “self- interest.” As… Read More Silence

Who are you?

What are you? Individuals are, in essence, a calculation that determines our behaviours. And the calculation that characterises all individuals also characterises societies. The experiences accumulated in a society determine the forms that are gradually and slowly adopted by the majority – such as laws, customs, guilds… etc. Thus, a society that suffered from a… Read More Who are you?

The Plan

The evidence of the non-existence of an “operator” in reality and of the “indifference” of everything towards the situation of each person seems clear and abundant to us: To begin with, there is suffering and existence seems to be a constant “balance” between pleasure and pain – or lack of pleasure – received. And at… Read More The Plan


 One of the most common expressions of “modernity” is to assume that everyone can “enjoy” without “bothering” anyone else and vice versa. And that we can exist without “caring” about others or what they “enjoy.” But our behaviours contradict those affirmations that we like to express so much. Beyond the fact that from the beginning… Read More  “Modernity”


Why the protests and the bitterness towards those who do not seem to have “anything to do with” and seem to be, on the contrary, “an example” in the spheres of human development? I mean, the usual “arguments” and “rational explanations” arise: Have you checked the list of Nobel Prize winners? Have you reviewed the… Read More Inside