One Education

What is the result that education seeks? Is it social control? Providing information and habits as a basis to later play a certain role in society? A certain “floor” that “equals the circumstances and allows competition to “succeed” or achieve any goal you set for yourself? – In that case, is there an education that… Read More One Education

Meta final

Los actos de una persona son la consecuencia de su formación o educación: Una persona entra dentro de un entorno que moldea sus inclinaciones heredadas mediante varios procesos que conocemos o desconocemos. Al principio entra en un entorno de al menos una o dos personas que le permiten sobrevivir y cuyo ejemplo absorbe aún de… Read More Meta final


It is said that people’s claims grow over time. That there are more and more people who believe that “they deserve everything” and have more and more demands and arrogance towards those around them. It is said that our reactions are no longer “rational” and “values” are lost… It is also said that we have… Read More Objectivity


¿Cómo se asegura la naturaleza de que un  proceso llegue a su resultado final? No lo sabemos exactamente, pero lo vemos en los árboles, en los animales…la cáscara protege a la fruta hasta que es comestible, un  toro nace en condiciones adecuadas para desarrollar la fuerza que estar programado para alcanzar en el entorno en… Read More Certeza


En la narrativa aceptada, las personas con “éxito” suelen declarar que hicieron esfuerzos y “cosecharon lo que sembraron”- como arar la tierra “con sus propias manos” y hacerse “responsable” del resultado. Sin embargo, el sistema en el que estamos puede resultarnos algo “extraño” desde este punto de vista: Nadie “inventa”-si acaso “modifica”- la semilla ni… Read More Sembrar


The “practice” of pointing out specific cases within a society and “demonising” them, creating “sides” and “taking advantage” of the visceral sensations that this awakens to pursue certain interests, has its roots in the forms of education or influence on people of the last centuries – particularly the “dual” vision of “good” and “evil” with… Read More Example

In Every Breath

In principle, very few people would approach a certain system or certain machinery and begin to “exchange parts”, eliminate others, modifying others…etc. without knowing how the system works and what function and objective it has. However, if we take the general system we are within as some “machinery” with parts that relate to each other… Read More In Every Breath

Much Better

We live in a world whose survival consists of constant association and exchange. However, this is not evident or a concrete sensation for most people. It is only a “feeling” for the majority in the form of a representation of personal gain: The only way in which two opposing positions are associated is for them… Read More Much Better