
A rock surrounded by some plants
Considers itself “above”
No way to self-judge the glisten
No other option
But to listen

Sooner or later the need
To decide by ups and downs
-Feeling bottom as the “above”-
In what way
And towards whom

The speeding up of a process
Does not mean it jumps stages
-All the low spots and bliss-
All seems “real”
But don´t exist

Nothing to lose feels the same
As nothing at all to gain
Killing and robbing while “praying”
Most foul game
But they keep playing

Moving massive money in games
Mass redundancy in the mind
Addicts to fakes and striking
Massive anguish
But they “like” it

Vision seems something we fake
Speech seems something we stole
To use it to say a lot
Of nought
On nothing at all

Nobody knows what he is doing
But “acts” again and again
The more convinced, a “rag doll”
But at last something to feel
A “hell of a thing” to know

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