
Embracing the night
Rejecting the moon
Screening the sun
Shades of “doom” and “gloom”
See you above the dusk
See you where the dust
Meets fake dreams of greatness
Beyond found and lost

The centre of universe
It´s inside the vacuum
Surrounding the dark
Talking seems so easy
Until you discover
There´s no way to avoid
Stand behind words
That “gay party” it´s over
It lasted just too long

Real words meaning actions
Actions meaning nothing
When following “whims”
Tolerance would kill
Just to impose their “will”
Only being so radical
Demanding a change
Inside your naked “clothing”
In your very self
You can “include” something

Advice on advice
About how to fail
But keeping the track
Until losing face
Even being “empirical”
Means being flying high
On lust and pretence
Self- effacing lies
Dancing nine to five
The song of the death
The tune of the life
Exclusion belongs
To what you can't buy

Pleasure´s future pain
No one does a thing
But fooling around
Inside shallow shells
A mask hides another
And another “one”
It´s not getting better
Inside your fake frame
Until reaching out
The ultimate achievement
Of “human spirit”
Meaning needing help

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