
Some raging “bull” full of…air 
There seems nothing more ahead
Greed has a charming smile
Just before cutting all heads

Another self-lie recoiling
Behind the softest of sounds
Lust has the soother of voices
‘fore invading other´s grounds

Pride feels elation in “crimes”
Thriving by gorging in “I”’s
Dressing in what we don’t know
We get naked but still blind

Some bit of feeling to help
Feel the need of the ever “youth”
Finish the “prom” and the “party”
At least losing
The swimsuits

There´s another world inside
Waiting inside flesh and blood
Something to ask for just after
Wanting the real “none at all”

Just some help to rediscover
What cries inside of black holes
What don’t need to be made up
Or “crowned” for doing some “work”

Help to wake up from whatever
Get close to One who don´t need
Nothing from nothing at all
But not “Ki” what He could give

Some bit of feeling to help
Feel the need of something “true”
Finish the “prom” and the “party”
Before it turns into…

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